Capodanno lunare cinese: l'anno della tigre

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Febbraio 10 2022

Capodanno lunare cinese 2022-Anno della Tigre

Chinese Lunar new year—Year of the Tiger
L'anno della tigre è determinato secondo il calendario tradizionale cinese. La "tigre" nello zodiaco corrisponde allo yin nei dodici rami terrestri. L'anno della tigre è l'anno yin e ogni dodici anni è un ciclo. Ad esempio, l'anno 2022 nel calendario gregoriano corrisponde sostanzialmente all'Anno della Tigre, cioè all'Anno del Renyin.
Nel periodo di sessant'anni, gli steli celesti sono: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui, e 12 rami terreni sono: Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Shen You Xu Hai. Organizzato da Jiazi, Yichou, Bingyin, Dingmao, ecc., esattamente 60 linee completano un ciclo. Questo è un po' complicato e difficile da ricordare, quindi gli antichi pensavano di usare gli animali per esprimere i complessi rami terrestri, che è lo zodiaco. Zi Rat, Brutto Bue, Tigre Yin, Coniglio Mao, Drago Chen, Serpente Si, Wu Ma, Pecora Wei, Scimmia Shen, Gallo Tu, Cane Xu e Maiale Hai.

During the Spring Festival, there are various customs and cultural differences throughout the country. The celebrations during the Spring Festival are extremely rich and diverse, including lion dance, color floating, dragon dance, wandering gods, temple fairs, flower street shopping, flower lanterns, gongs and drums, vernier flags, fireworks burning, blessing, spring throwing, stilt walking, dry boat running, Yangko dancing and so on. During the Spring Festival, it can be seen everywhere, such as sticking New Year's red, keeping the new year's watch, eating reunion dinner and paying New Year's greetings. However, due to different local conditions and customs, the details have their own characteristics. With various forms and rich contents, the Spring Festival folk custom is a concentrated display of the essence of the life and culture of the Chinese nation. [38-41] 
The Spring Festival is a day to get rid of the old and introduce the new. Although the Spring Festival is set on the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar, the activities of the Spring Festival are not limited to the first day of the first month. From the end of the year, people began to "busy year": offering sacrifices to stoves, sweeping dust, purchasing new year goods, pasting New Year's red, washing hair and bathing, lighting lanterns and decorations, etc. all these activities have a common theme, that is, "leaving the old and welcoming the new". The Spring Festival is a festival of joy, harmony and family reunion. It is also a carnival and eternal spiritual pillar for people to express their longing for happiness and freedom. The Spring Festival is also a day for worshipping ancestors and praying for new years. Sacrifice is a kind of belief activity. It is a belief activity created by human survival activities in ancient times, hoping to live in harmony with nature

In the end,STARK hope you Happy year of the tiger, good health and good luck!

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